Porcelain Collection

Handmade by Jade Barbosa Ribeiro in Los Angeles.

I put deep dedication and attention to each porcelain piece, from the time that takes to design them, to create them and to do the sketches one by one in every piece. Then the process of painting by hand and firing them, and finally quality check.
These are art pieces that you can use and enjoy everyday.
I believe that the energy that I dedicated to all of them, you can feel it, and it brings love to your home.

Most of my creations are made by order.
You can see the designs and my collections here, and depending on how many you want, how much time is going to take to be ready. So, be patient, all good stuff takes time.

Ocean Collection

Lemon & Gardenias Collection

Who am I

Hi everyone!
I'm Jade!

I spent the first 27 years of my life in Argentina, Buenos Aires, were I studied cinema, photography and pottery among some many other stuff, that of course, they were all connected to art on some way.

I moved to California 2 years ago and one of the main reasons I did that, is because I always wanted to make a living from what I enjoy doing the most. And where better to do that than here, right?

I need to be honest, it is not easy. It's not easy to start from the scratch in a city that nobody knows you and in a different culture with a different language. But like all great challenges in life, they come with great rewards.

For me, nature has been a grounding cable. I spend many hours of my year in the ocean, surfing, hiking in mountains and forests. I always thought that if I was another planet, I I would be in love with the earth. I would defenetily invite it on a date. It is so beautiful! Right?
That's why all my collections are inspired by different aspects of our blue home.

If you have any question or if you want to know more about my process send me an email, I'll be glad to talk to you.